Facebook Account Temporary Locked If you are also facing this error in Facebook to help keep your account safe we temporarily locked it before you try logging it again check your login info and make sure you are using usual device on a secure network.
hey guys i’m gonna tech you that how you can fix this error Facebook Account Temporary Locked while using your facebook application while trying to change your password
Why Facebook Account Temporarily Locked ?
If you are unable to change your password and while changing this password it says that you are temporarily locked.
First we need to understand that this is saying what this error is saying it is saying to help keep your account safe we temporarily locked it facebook algorithm locked our account because Facebook see some invalid activity on your account
How to Remove Facebook Account Lock
1st Method – Change Your Password
Try to changing your password. After changing your password Facebook automatically recover your account
2nd Method – Wait For 2-3 Day’s
If you follow 1st method but not working so you need wait for 2-3 Day’s. After Some Day’s After Facebook recover your account
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3rd Method – Send Your Identity Card or Selfi Video
If you seen any option to prove yourself to send your selfie video or identity card. you need send passport photo, votes I’d etc I’d to Verify Yourself
This is all method to unlock Facebook Account Temporary Locked. All Method Are Genuine And tested. Also all of them worked perfectly.
Conclusion –
There was should be some reason to lock our profile on Facebook. Facebook Naver Lock Our profile without reason.
Also it’s just Temporary lock. You just need to follow all steps which is mentioned in article.
If any method working for you. please comment below. also share with you’re friends
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